Quayside appoints new Investment Committee member – Derek Janssen

Business, People


Quayside Holdings Limited announces the appointment of Derek Janssen to join the Quayside Investment Committee as of 28 August 2024.

Derek joins the Investment Committee with 20+ years’ experience across international financial markets most recently as a Portfolio Manager on the Small Cap team for Fidelity Investments, a leading global asset management company with USD ~$5 trillion assets under management. Equipped with a degree in Economics from Stanford University and a Masters in Statistics from Harvard University, Derek’s early years were spent at Citadel, a large Hedge Fund, at the time when they started to invest in equities, before moving to a firm that focused on concentrated small caps.

The bulk of his career was spent with Fidelity, where he was a founding member of the Fidelity Management and Research Tokyo office.  Here, his specific focus areas were, understanding businesses, what they’re worth and how that compares to their stock price, alongside portfolio construction. With exposure to a wide swathe of investment processes, he credits his learning and growth to this exposure and having access to some of the leading minds in the investment world, including Joel Tillinghast, Peter Lynch and even got to spend a weekend picking Warren Buffet’s brain. Undoubtedly, these interactions and experiences will provide huge value to Quayside.

Dereks’ approach balances a natural inclination for long time horizon investing, alongside pragmatism and the need to stay flexible and change course when the facts change.

Quayside Investment Committee Chair, David Fear comments, “We are incredibly fortunate to have attracted and secured someone with Derek’s credentials and experience to the Investment Committee. His global perspective and extensive network will be a significant asset as Quayside continues its investment journey”.

When asked what drew him to the Quayside opportunity, Derek acknowledges his natural alignment with the organisation’s purpose and the chance to do meaningful work where he can have a positive impact, whilst still leveraging his area of expertise.

Derek and his family relocated to the sunny shores of New Zealand earlier this year, and we’re extremely lucky to have someone of his calibre join the Investment Committee and wider Quayside team.

Derek Janssen


For further media information, please contact enquiries@quaysideholdings.co.nz
